Late Summer/Early Fall Elopement Tips from Maddie, Justin, & Alexi
/Maddie and Justin got hitched on 9.9.21 North of Durango , Colorado. They asked me to be their adventure planner and photographer and during that process here are some tips we thought might be nice to share with other couples wanting to elope in Septemebr in Colorado.
Late Summer in Colorado fools a lot of people. They think September means leaves falling and cooler weather. However, September 22nd is the first day of fall and most leaves don't peak in Durango and Silverton until Sept. 28-Oct. 6. what does that mean for early-mid September elopers? It means you get temps in the near the 80s and lots of sun. When planning your trip to Colorado for your elopement remember these things:
*Layer Clothing (cold at night and hot during the day)
*Water shoes(for lakes, creeks and falls)
*Lots of water (elevation causes dehydration)
*Hiking Boots (no matter how long your hike)
*Extra dry socks