Horse Ranch Engagement: Brittany and Travis
/Recently, my future wedding clients, Brittany and Travis asked me to join them on their family's ranch near Mancos, CO for their enagement photos. I gave an empatic, YES. I love to mix it up and honeslty I had jsut finished the last season of Yellowstone that very day and was itching to be out in the great wide open with some horses. While I did not find any croutchy cowboys burying bodies(sigh), I did find some very unexpexted things. This property isn't so much of a ranch anymore, as it is a preserve of sorts. 900 acres and only 5 horses, some old barns and cabins and that's about it. Wow is right! I knew the area well beacuse I eyeball it every time I drive that way and dream about living some place just like it soemday. With a view of the La Plata's, the high desert cliffs that flow into Mesa Verde National Park, ponds, creeks, endless walking and hiking areas, and on and on. I also knew that the author louis l'amour's estate borders this ranch. My family used to sell Llamas to his wife when I was a child. I was such a dream come true being able to explore thsi space for a coupel fo hours. As I stood in the open field, watching the horses run wild, I looked to Brittany and Travis and said, "I could stay here, just like this, all day long".